Apps to Track Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women look for ways to monitor their baby’s development, understand the changes in their own bodies, and prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Pregnancy tracking apps can be incredible resources for providing daily information, health tips, and monitoring tools. Here are five great app options that can help moms-to-be track their pregnancy effectively and informatively.

What to Expect Pregnancy & Baby Tracker

What to Expect Pregnancy & Baby Tracker is based on the popular book “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” The app provides weekly updates on your baby’s development and the changes in your body, as well as articles, videos, and a vibrant community of other moms and dads. It personalizes information based on your due date, making updates relevant and specific to each stage of your pregnancy.


BabyCenter's Pregnancy Tracker and Baby App

BabyCenter's Pregnancy Tracker and Baby App is one of the most popular pregnancy apps, providing a rich mix of health tips, baby development articles, and interactive tools like calendars and checklists. The app also includes a visual resource called “Inside the Womb,” which provides week-by-week images of fetal development.


Ovia Pregnancy Tracker

Ovia Pregnancy Tracker stands out with its personalization and tracking tools. In addition to daily updates on fetal development and body changes, it allows users to track their symptoms, mood, nutrition, sleep, and more. The app also provides feedback based on the data entered, offering personalized advice and recommendations.


Pregnancy+ It offers a visually appealing interface and a number of useful features, including 3D visualizations of your baby's development, a personal diary, and information about your baby's diet and birth preparation. The app also has tools like kick and contraction counters, which can be very useful for monitoring your baby's health in the later stages of pregnancy.


Sprout Pregnancy

Sprout Pregnancy Sprout is renowned for its realistic images and detailed information. The app includes an interactive 3D model of fetal development, a personalized pregnancy timeline, and daily and weekly tips. Sprout also offers tools like a weight log and a labor timer to help expectant mothers keep track of everything.


These apps provide excellent support to women during one of the most exciting and challenging times of their lives. With educational resources and interactive tools, they can help ensure that both mother and baby remain healthy and well-informed throughout their pregnancy.
